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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

6 Blogging Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

Many blogs exist today for the purpose of making money for their owners among other things. Many blog owners start their blogs with the goal of earning a living with their blogs, but the reality is that many blogs don’t get to earn a decent amount of money. The fact is only a small percentage of blogs manage to make enough money for their owners to say that they are full-time bloggers.
Why some blogs are successful are some are not is not a matter of chance but there are many things that have an influence on the success of the blog. There are successful and unsuccessful blogs from all niches. The most important thing for the success and profitability of a blog is the blog owners. Some blog owners are doing things right while the majority do not and that is why only a few blogs are highly profitable. Most of the blog owners are making one or more mistakes.  The most common mistakes include:
  1. Not having a narrow niche.  One of the greatest mistakes blog owners make is making their blog topic too wide. This way they will have to compete with older and established blogs which is nearly impossible. What successful bloggers are doing is finding their own narrow niche that has none or little competition. This is a way that new blogs can be competitive and attract visitors by offering them more information on a specific topic that interests them.
  2. Not promoting your blog. The most important factor that determines how much a blog can be successful and how much money it can make for its owners is the number of visitors. Even you write great content and have bought premium theme and plugins you blog is nothing is nobody even visits. Because of this blog owners must promote their blogs using every means they have available. Tools like social media, forum posting, guest posting, submitting to article directories, social bookmarking sites, commenting on blogs can help bring in targeted visitors which you can later monetize.
  3. Not using high-value keywords. Proper keyword research is the difference between 1 cent earnings per click and 1 dollar earnings per click. This is especially important if you are monetizing your blog with PPC advertising networks like Google Adsense. Fortunately for bloggers, there are many free keyword research tools they can use to find high paying keywords.
  4. Not experimenting with monetization methods to find which are most profitable. There are lots of ways to make money with a blog: PPC ads, CPM ads, affiliate programs, sell advertising spots, donations, paid subscriptions, selling your own products etc. Every blog is a different case and what might be most profitable for one might not be the case for others. Because of this blog owners should always experiment to find the most profitable method or a combination of methods for their blog.
  5. Too many advertisements on the blog. One of the things that cause damage to a blog is having too many ads on your blog or placing them in the wrong places. If there are too many ads on your blog it may be repulsive to visitors which will cause them not to come back again, which means fewer visitors and less money in the future. Blog owners can also improve their earning by placing ad formats that have more CTR rate and on a more visible spot on the webpage.
  6. The blog is not user friendly. Things like bad navigation, broken links, and distracting layout can influence user experience negatively which will cause them to leave and never come back to your blog in the future. By making your blog easy to navigate and a layout that is emphasizing the content, on the other hand, can help grow your blog traffic and therefore your earnings.
When come to making money with a blog there is not an easy way on how to make the most of it. Because of this always test different arrangements and constantly improve your blog to find the one that fits best.

1 comment:

Isaac said...

In as much as I don't want to openly agree with you, you are speaking the absolute facts about blogging