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Sunday, July 19, 2020

How To Make Money From Internet Forums Without Owning Them

In the previous post there are a number of tips how internet forums owners can make money. However internet forums can be used to make money even if you do not own a forum.  Here are some tips how to make money with internet forums.
Sell your products or promote affiliate programs
Established internet forums are high traffic websites  that are visited by thousands of people on a daily basis. Many internet forums are dedicated  to certain niches like health and fitness, body-building, online business, automotive, computers, web design  and other you can reach your target audience if there is a product you are trying to sell.  Forums are great place where you can promote your product or services to interested audience.
First off all you need to find the right forums where your potential customers hang around. If you are selling body building products then try body building forums, if you sell products related to weigh loss then you should join weight loss forums.  To start promoting you products or affiliate programs you first must join which in most cases is free. Next step will be to become a respected member of the community by providing valuable information and tips for other members.
It will be a mistake if you just post advertisements about whatever products you are promoting. That is wrong and you can even have your account banned by administration for spamming. Instead of that try to establish your self as an expert and someone whose opinion will be valued by other members. If other people trust your opinion they will be very likely to buy what you are selling than to buy similar products from your competition.  Forums allow you to post a signature to every post you make. In your signature you can include link to your web store or your sales page.
Drive traffic to your website and monetize it
Promoting products is one way to make use of forums for the purpose of making money online. Another good way to make use of forums for making money is to drive traffic to a website or blog which you can monetize. To drive traffic to your site you can include link to your website or blog in your signature and when other members or visitors click on it they will be directed to your site. If they like what they find you can expect they will visit your website regularly.
You can then further on monetize your traffic by one or more methods that are available. You can make money with PPC (Adsense and similar) or CPM ads. You can sell advertisement spot for a certain time period or you can use affiliate links and earn money every time someone clicks on links and buys something from the merchants website.
Make money by posting on forums
Another way you can make money is by simply posting on forums. There are website like Postloop which pay you to post on forums. You can join for free and search on list of forums where you can post replies and be paid for every post you make.

1 comment:

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