Freelance jobs are the way thousands of people are making money online. Someone could make from a few dollars up to full time income working either full time or part time on freelance projects. Online freelancing is available as online money making opportunity to people from anywhere in the world as long as they have a computer, internet connection, free time, will to work hard and skills that are in demand and can be monetized.
It is easy and simple to start earning online with freelance jobs. The simplest way is to join one or more freelance websites and start looking for available jobs. If you want to make money online as a freelancer there are many freelance websites available to you. One of the best freelance marketplaces is Elance. There are more than 2 million freelancers who are using Elance today.
How to join Elance
To join Elance is free, all you have to do is navigate to their website and click “join”, then “I want to work. Fill in the form including a valid email address. After you become a member as a provider you can build your profile and list your skills and start bidding on projects. Aside from free membership there are also paid membership options for those who wish to increase the volume of their work on freelancer starting from $10 per month. Paid membership also adds more features and increase your visibility.
What kind of jobs are available on Elance
There are thousands of jobs posted on Elance every day from all categories: writing, translation, web design, graphic design, administrative and office work, mobile application development, project management, data entry, finance, transcription etc.
There are both jobs for fixed amount of money as well as jobs that are paid hourly.
How to make the most of Elance as a freelancer.
There are lots of jobs posted daily on Elance from all categories but there is also fierce completion for any of those jobs, especially for those that pay well. Here are some tips to help you land the jobs you want:
- Build the best profile you can. One of the things that helps the most in being selected by employers is a complete profile. Upload you photo, list your skills and add work to your portfolio. Employers will rarely hire provider without complete profile.
- Test your skills to prove that you can get the job done. Another important thing that can increase your chances of being hired is if you pass the test and show the potential clients that you have the necessary skills to complete the projects you bid on.
- Don’t bid on jobs you don’t know how to complete. Many new providers propose on every job they come across because they are too eager to start making money. However if they don’t have relevant skills they will not finish job on time and/or provide poor quality to their employers. This will result in poor review and damaged reputation. Instead propose on relevant jobs that you have necessary skills to provide high quality work and start building your portfolio and your reputation in your area of expertise. Also to build your reputation you shoud always strive to exceed the expectations of the employers. Things like finishing the project before schedule and providing high quality work is a surefire way to build a reputation.
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